The first time I met Rocky Garza I knew I had to share his story and to dive a little bit deeper into the important work that he does. Rocky is a people expert and the founder of, Staff Retreat Co., and Wiser Sons. In this episode, we talk specifically about Rocky’s story and what he believes lead Him to want to become an expert on people. We dig into his work in helping people uncover their values, strengths, and identifiers through a process he calls “identity mapping.” We also talk about what stirred his heart to create a space for men to connect and be transparent and build a meaningful community with one another, which ultimately lead him to launch Wiser Sons and Why & Rye.

Rocky Garza is a people and culture development expert that challenges audiences to consider their motivations, inspirations, and fears. He reminds leaders, teams, and organizations that every person is, at their core, just a human. Rocky explores relationship management and humanity through his Personal Identity Mapping service – an examination of how and why people do the things that they do. Rocky’s high-energy and caring approach was developed during his seven-year tenure as director of ministry at one of the largest youth camps in Texas, and as a member of the pastoral staff at Chase Oaks Church in Dallas. Rocky is a graduate of Texas A&M University and is founder and principal of, Staff Retreat Co., a leadership development practice that works with key executives, business owners, and departments/teams and Wiser Sons, a Christian men’s community dedicated to redefining the methodology of becoming a man. Among Rocky’s many roles – those he finds most paramount are within his home as a husband to Sara and father to Ezra and Marlow.

I really loved our conversation and feel confident you will walk away with a sense of excitement and encouragement when it comes to work Rocky is doing. I deeply respect his mission to develop a retreat, specifically for men, that will create a space for them to breathe and redefine the methodology of being a man in today’s culture.

Speak Life with Taylor Nichols is a podcast committed to keeping it REAL and RAW — real people, real stories, and real life. Be sure to subscribe so you never miss a conversation! {You can listen to the show right HERE and to make sure you never miss an episode just hop on to your favorite podcast app (ie. iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify) and subscribe today! I hope you will consider sharing the show with your friends and if you have a friend with a story you think we need to hear, please nominate them right HERE!}