real people. real stories. real life.

hello friend
I am so honored you are here. We are in this together – learning as we go and growing through the everyday struggles in life!
I am committed to keeping it REAL and RAW around here – real people, real stories, and real life. Stories are powerful and have the ability to shift our perspective if we allow them. They can shape us and impact the way we see the world around us, giving us a new and sometimes unique perspective. That perspective can be POWERFUL and the birthplace for change. My prayer is that the stories you hear and the people you learn about through Speak Life will impact your life, create change in your world, and empower you to carry these real conversations in to your everyday life. I am eager to know you–the real you– and you to know me– the real Taylor.

Let’s love big and Speak Life!

Speak Life Podcast
Speak Life with Taylor Nichols is a podcast committed to keeping it REAL and RAW — real people, real stories, and real life.