Today on the show, we have Laura Kelley! She is Mama to seven, artist, lover of color and meaningful words. Laura is a deep and creative soul who says she is “doing her best and hanging on tight” everyday. She and her husband, Josh, value the simple joys of humor, and do their best to laugh, and to do so often, even in the midst of hard things.
It was through their adoption journey to pick up their son in China that I first learned about the Kelleys and in witnessing their love and uncompromising dedication to each of their kids that I have fallen completely in love with their little family.
Today, Laura shares how their family grew from two their two biological children to a total of seven children through both domestic and international adoption. This girl truly has a heart for the children of the world, and it is evident in every aspect of her life. She says her children are the ‘heartbeat of her soul’, and that each of their kids only makes their lives better. Something I can so deeply appreciate and understand having added two babies to our tribe over the last two years! Laura shares how she has learned the power of gratitude in her life and how that led to her keeping the practice of writing down what she’s grateful for every day. She does it for her kids, and says it makes her a better Mama as well. She opens up about carrying the weight of being a Mama to a child with special needs, and the growth, and love that is born in the process of helping them navigate life and relationships along the way.
Laura so graciously shares the story of her sweet son, Everett and the deep impact he made on their family in his short and precious time he had with them. She and her family do a WONDERFUL job celebrating his life every. single. day. I will forever cherish the love and pain Laura so beautifully relives in our conversation as we talk about her son Everett and his short, yet absolutely life changing time in their family.
Friends, if you or someone you know is experiencing any sort of grief, you will want to listen to my conversation with Laura today. She is real, raw, and has so much wisdom to share.
Collins + Conley is a family owned, online boutique offering a variety of cute clothes, shoes, accessories, and gifts for babies and children.
Speak Life with Taylor Nichols is a podcast committed to keeping it REAL and RAW — real people, real stories, and real life. Be sure to subscribe so you never miss a conversation! {You can listen to the show right HERE and to make sure you never miss an episode just hop on to your favorite podcast app (ie. iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify) and subscribe today! I hope you will consider sharing the show with your friends and if you have a friend with a story you think we need to hear, please nominate them right HERE!}